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Meeting of the Working Group to Monitor the Implementation of Guidelines and Measures for Fisheries

TSFR working team

Monday, January 16th, 2023, at the Department of Fisheries, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries, presided over the meeting of the working group drives and monitor the implementation of guidelines and measures to develop Thai fisheries to be free of aquatic animals and aquatic products from IUU fishing (IUU - Free Thailand) No. 1/2023.

To improve the implementation of the IUU-Free Thailand policy to be more effective, such as strengthening and exchanging information with regional and international organizations, guidelines for the development of import control standards for aquatic animals and aquatic animal products, and guidelines for improving the Thai traceability system, etc., to prevent IUU aquatic animals and aquatic animal products from entering Thailand and the production line.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


            : 43 Thai CC Tower, 17th Floor, Room 170  Sathon Rd,  Khwaeng Yan Nawa, Khet Sathon, Bangkok 10120,  Thailand




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